quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010

Projeto “Liderança nas escolas” 
Connecting Classrooms

British Council Connecting Classroom is a global programme that creates mutually beneficial partnerships between schools in the UK and in other countries. Through these partnerships the programme develops trust and understanding between young people in different societies, creating a safer and more connected world for the future.
Partnerships bring an international dimension to young people’s learning and improve their knowledge and understanding of other cultures, preparing them for life and work in a global society.
Connecting Classrooms benefits learners, teachers, school leaders and the wider community.

                                                               Grupo Liderança nas Escola
  Filipe Zibetti; Geovana; Amanda; Joseane; Jakeline; Lizandra; Jéssica Caixeta; Alexandre Xavier e Rafaela Sena

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